
For future website update.

This post is to record how to update and deploy this website through Netlify. I wish I could use git version control throughout, but authentication failure was not possible to resolve. Perhaps I should just give up using RStudio and blogdown or screw Mac remote work settings? (I still haven’t figured out what exactly caused this problem 😟 Quarto with quarto publish didn’t work either)

Anyway, I am now settled with the below procedure:

1. Update contents still in RStudio with blogdown package ✍️

Saved as an R project titled wpl-yonsei. For a new blog post, add a new markdown file (like this one). The file goes in content/posts (with To update contents in pages, revise relevant markdown files in content/pages.

2. Go ahead “Build Website” button 📁

There is public folder being updated with new contents.

3. Go to Netlify account and navigate to Deploys tab 🔐

Don’t forget to sign in properly.

4. Drag and drop the up-to-date public folder ✨

Deploys pane says “Need to update your site?”

… how kind 🙂